Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tempt My Tummy Tuesday

Since it is The Ultimate Blog Party week, I decided to post an easy drink recipe for you to try at your next party! Make sure you go to Blessed With Grace to see the other great recipes this week.

Frozen Slush
9 cups water
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 packages of frozen fruit of your choice (I like raspberry)
12 oz can of frozen orange juice
1 package of unsweetened Kool-Aid (match flavor to chosen fruit)
2 cups vodka

~boil 1 cup of water, dissolve sugar in water
~combine orange juice, fruit, Kool-Aid; blend until smooth
~add sugar water, mix well
~add vodka and remaining water
~freeze in a large container
~mix with 50/50 or Sprite to serve

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Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

I hope you are having fun with the Ultimate Blog Party. It has been fun. The drink recipe is a good idea. This recipe sounds very tasty. Thanks for sharing your recipe and linking up to Tempt My Tummy Tuesday.

Native American Momma said...

oh that sounds so good. I am dieting so the only think I am drinking is kale and apple juice banana smoothy eck! No actually not terrible.

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